crupi's original us made components
Here are many of the items Don focussed on to be better than what was available at the time. All parts were machined at Bendick Precision; a CNC shop in Arcadia, CA. Ben Joseph Sr - owner & engineer was directly responsible for making Don's designs extremely high end with much better tolerances than what other BMX components were using. Crupi's initial success was the winning combination of both Don and Ben Joseph!
1982 through 1994
With Don having the best parts in the industry and being in charge of the sports top Factory team; Free Agent. It was only natural that the best riders use the best parts! Factory Free Agent won multiple #1 Championships riding Crupi Parts. Then in the early 90's, Don took control of the Haro Factory Team and made it the Haro/Crupi Factory team and won another championship in 1993. Don and Crupi were on a roll!
more us made components
After Don retired in 1994 and the company sold to Ben Joseph, he and his Machine Shop continued making Don's products and introduced a few new ones on their own to keep up with the times.
1995 through 1998
late 1997
Benny hires Greg Swingrover from GT Bicycles to help push the company forward! Crupi then introduces many newer US Made parts from 1998 through the mid 2000's and sponsored some of the sports top Pro's to help promote the product World Wide!

2002 = 20 years
After 20 years, Crupi is positioned to continue it's upward direction and continue to innovate the BMX world! Go back to our history page to see what comes next.